EU: Ukraine on top of diplomatic agenda

Luxembourg 24.06.2024 The ongoing Foreign Affairs Council is going to reflect upon a waste agenda of the international issues. “On the table – first, as always – [is] Ukraine. After the Summit [for Peace in Ukraine] in Switzerland, where a diplomatic track has been opened. And the answer from Putin travelling to North Korea, travelling…

NATO push to extend military operations

Brussels 30.05.2024 Today NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg insisted at the opening of a meeting of the Alliance’s foreign ministers to let Ukraine use Western weapons to strike military targets inside Russian territory, a position appreciated by Kyiv but opposed by Biden administration so far. The two-day meeting in Czech capital, Prague, was organised to…

EU diplomats engage in discussion on Middle East

Brussels 26.05.2024 The Foreign Affairs Council will take place on Monday May 27, it will be chaired by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. The top priority issue will remain the Russian aggression against Ukraine. The EU Foreign Affairs Ministers will discuss the Russian aggression against Ukraine, after an…

EU: Michel appoints new chief diplomatic advisor

Brussels 01.05.2024 Magdalena Grono, Senior Foreign Policy Adviser to President Michel (pictured) will take up the role and duties as Chief Diplomatic Advisor from July 1. European Council President Charles Michel’s (pictured) Chief Diplomatic Adviser, Simon Mordue has been selected as Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and will take up…

EU exchanges views with Chinese envoy

Brussels 05.04.2024 The European External Action Service (EEAS) Managing Directors for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Michael Siebert, and for Asia and the Pacific, Niclas Kvarnström, met the Special Envoy of the Chinese Government for Eurasian Affairs, Li Hui, in Brussels on 4 March, Monday. Li Hui serves as the Chinese Special Representative for Eurasian…

EU diplomats convene for informal Council

Brussels 12.02.2024 “We are going to take stock with the [EU] Cooperation and Development Ministers of our policy of cooperation with emerging countries. We are in the middle of the financial perspective” – the EU top diplomat Josep Borrell said upon his arrival to Informal Foreign Affairs Council on the issues of the Development. It…

Borrell plans visit to Ukraine

Brussels 22.01.2024 The meeting of the EU top diplomats under the chairmanship of the High Representative Josep Borrell started with the discussion of the situation in Ukraine, which remains the EU top priority, being a threat for the security in Europe. The EU diplomats received an online update by the Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba….

Borrell: “exceptional” meeting of EU diplomats

Brussels 22.01.2024 “Today, we are going to have an exceptional Foreign Affairs Council. I think that never before we have had a Council with so many, and so important guests, in these dramatic circumstances” said the EU top diplomat Josep Borrell upon arrival to the Europa building in Brussels, where the the Ministers of the…

Borrell tribute to Kissinger

Brussels 30.11.2023 “I learnt with sadness of the passing of Henry Kissinger. He embodied the global standing of the United States of America on the world stage” reads the statement by the EU High Representative Josep Borrell on the decease of former United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. “As former Secretary of State, advisor,…

Borrell addresses EU Ambassadors

Brussels 06.11.2023 Today the EU top diplomat Josep Borrell addressed the EU Ambassadors, gathering once a year in Brussels. “…This is a moment in which we have to have a look at the world disorder and to try to look for references that go beyond the classical wording on disorder and crisis. In order to…