
This is a contact page with some basic contact information and a contact form.


Submit an Article

Europe Diplomatic accepts submissions in English, and French languages for Brussels Star* on any topic related to the sections on this website. All submissions are reviewed, and if accepted, edited for publication. Articles are typically between 300-500 words, but submissions of different lengths can be also considered, depending on the issue. By engaging with a wide spectrum of the community – from bloggers, activists, academics and experts –  Europe Diplomatic manages to offer a much more unique and diverse perspective of European foreign affaris and international relations.
This offer does not concern promotion to be submitted to advertiesement on commercial bassis.

Submission guidelines:

If you are interested in writing for Europe Diplomatic, please email and follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure the file is in .doc form or that the article text is copied and pasted into the email.
  2. Attach a short biography of yourself, a photograph for the biography, and any social media links you would like attached with your profile.
  3. Specify what your article is about in two or three sentences, and why you feel it is an important.  writing-pad-3229690_1280