G7: Meloni enjoys her spectacular ascendance

Brindisi, Italy 13.06.2024 Welcoming the Group of Seven leaders in a luxurious Puglia resort of Borgo Egnazia, in Fasano, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni visibly enjoyed her role of a generous, and warmhearted hostess. As she offers hospitality for the three-day G7 Summit, Meloni has every reason to enjoy the event, unlike her guests, whose prospects…

G7: Russian assets to fund Ukraine

Brindisi, Italy 13.06.2024 The assembly of Seven leaders have reached an informal agreement to loan money to Ukraine backed by the profits from frozen Russian assets, the U.S .  unnamed official confirmed to CNN channel. “There was shared recognition here in Puglia by every G7 member that the situation on the battlefield remains difficult, and…