Gaza-EU: benefiting from “martyr” fund?

Bruxelles 23.01.2024 Today the European Commission ensured that there is strict control in place to avoid situation when Hamas terrorists  would be able to profit from the EU humanitarian aid, including the sinister “martyr” funds.

The requests to clarify the situation was expressed by two Members of the European Parliament: Monika Hohlmeier (PPE), Niclas Herbst (PPE). They noticed that the Palestinian Authority (PA) received substantial funding from the EU budget. According to mass-media reports, the PA made an announcement that from December 2023 it would allocate payments to the families of the ‘martyrs, prisoners and wounded’, including and especially to families in Gaza.
“It would be irresponsible for the PA, which is heavily dependent on EU support, to transfer and reallocate designated funds from the EU budget to the families of ‘martyrs’” the MEPs wrote in their open request.

Further they have asked three questions, demanding the Commission to ensure the families of ‘martyrs’ or ‘prisoners’ in Gaza would not benefit from the EU funding. Secondly they demanded further security guarantees from the PA to the European Commission in order to be absolutely sure that the terrorists did not profit from these benefits. And thirdly if such payments were been made, would it incentivize the Commission to end the practice of the direct payments to the PA and instead transfer the funds to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees.

Fatah established the Palestine Mujahidin and Martyrs Fund in 1964 to recompense the families of dead and wounded Palestinian fighters.  In 1971 it was replaced by the Society for the Care of Palestinian Martyrs and Prisoners. The Society defined as “military martyrs” not only Palestinian fighters killed while conducting terrorist operations against Israel but to include those who died of natural causes while on active service. Their families received direct cash allowances. Non-members of the  “Palestine Liberation Organization”  killed during any kind of encounter against Israeli security forces were given a single payment.

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