SweDoctors: Syria’s gassed babies video fraud

The photos of gassed Syrian babies, which visibly moved US President Trump, and were displayed as a major piece of evidence against President Assad at the UN by ambassador Nikki Haley are in the centre of an international scandal accused of fraud.

Swedish Doctors For Human Rights (swedhr.org) analysed videos – the rescue operations after an alleged chemical attack by Syrian government forces. The doctors found that the videos were counterfeit, where even Arabic stage directions were overheard, and that the alleged “Rescue” in actuality is a murder. On first analysis, it looked as though the doctors working on the child assumed he was already dead.

However, after broader investigation, our SweDoctors team ascertained that the boy was unconscious from an overdose of opiates.  The video shows the child receiving injections in his chest, perhaps in the area of the heart and was eventually killed while a clearly fake adrenaline injection was administered.

The Chairman of the association, Professor Prof. Marcello Ferrade de Noli, published at the beginning of March 2017 a first article with an analysis of the case: “Swedish Doctors for Human Rights: White Helmets video, macabre manipulation of dead children and staged chemical weapons attack to justify a” No-fly Zone “in Syria”.

This was followed by more macabre discoveries in the videos not seen initially in the article White Helmets Movie: Updated Evidence from Swedish Doctors Confirm Fake Life Saving Practices Injure Children.

The collective findings of the Swedish doctors with regard to the propaganda and fakery by al-Qaeda/Al Nusra in Syria are in line with the findings of leading German and International Scientists for Syria War.


44 Comments Add yours

  1. ted dura says:

    i was a Trump guy to the core—now i say “impeach Trump” in fact try him for murder that SOB could allow himself to be out faked by fake news , knowing full well fake news has been out to set him up–now his staff and his so called intelligence set him up – heplayed right into MC CAIN, PELOSI AND HILLARY HANDS–Shame on him he lost 99 percent of my faith in him.
    QUESTION EVERYTHING AND ASSUME 100 PERCENT THAT OUR INTELLIGENCE IS ALWAYS WRONG–Donald you made the wrong call big time you should step down allowing Pence to finish your term–you listened to your staff–fire them as well–you should have put the whole thing in front of congress to make sure wrong has been done–


    1. Barbed Wire says:

      Pence did not like the Trump Campaign agenda and I fear that he may inherit this administration – he is a hawk and walking the corporate/globalist path as a lot of the Republicans and now Democrats do. Will we ever be able to elect someone who will execute the will of the American people and put us first. He played right into the SWAMP and FAKE NEWS hands this time, but I may give him another chance to show that he was not really DUPED nor swayed by the SWAMP. He is not stupid!!! Was he BOXED IN?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Seems very few know anything about Assad, including President Trump. Like you Barbed wire disappointed in an ill thought out reaction to the chemical attack. It was obvious from the start this was not Assad’s doing but the rebels, jihadists, FSA. Trump aught to have saught the advice of President Xi who certainly would have suggested caution and investigation just as Putin has done.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Teddura@aol.com says:

        i’m afraid you are correct–Trumps days as prez arenumbered we can see that-this whole gas thing was done thru mc cain the other Hillary-

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Teddura@aol.com says:

        i agree assad had nothing to do with this Trump was lead into this –this was about gaining political support–it was mc cain/hillary venture–russia will fight to the last man to preserve their 2 bases and that’s a fact–


  2. Warfare Fire says:

    trump was being controlled all along from the beginning, billionaires and trillionaires don’t arrest and throw into jail other billionaires and trillionaires, follow the MONEY


  3. Archibald david says:

    Where are the sanctions on ISIS? ISIS never runs out of ammo or supplies ….. WHY?! That equipment is flowing into ISIS and we never shut it off …….. just like we never bombed their oil convoys (TO TURKEY) until the Russians did. We never bombed their miles long parades with flags until the RUSSIANS did.
    If Trump is going to reverse course this quickly, with so very LITTLE evidence or investigation, what if there is another “Newtown” shooting?! Will Trump issue an Executive Order to confiscate all guns???!!!
    I can’t shake this from my mind: The camera’ were too conveniently set up in time to take up pictures; as if, it was for a Hollywood movie! Were these cameramen not concerned about getting a small amount of this gas?
    WHO told you the Syrians used gas Pres. Trump? The “intelligence” community that is also accusing you of complicity with the Russians, That LIED about WMDs, that LIES about everything it touches. That has FAILED to grab Hillary’s servers for inspection after HOW MANY months?! F–K the “intelligence” community, it is not working for America.
    ISIS has been happily cutting people’s heads off, burning people alive in cages, on & on, and you want to tell me they would be squeamish about killing some kids for propaganda?! KMA.
    “Assad choked out the lives of helpless men, wome and children,” Trump said in remarks from Mar-a-Lago,…. “It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons.” ………… So we will no longer provide cluster bombs, white phosphorous, depleted uranium, to Israel and Saudi Arabia? Will Trump bomb Israeli airbases the next time Israel uses Cluster Bombs, W.P., D.U., on Concentration Camp GAZA? Trump is going to demand Israel sign the NPT and open it’s nuclear facilities up to International inspection?
    By the way, how many “dear little children” did TRUMP kill in that Yemen Seal attack? In HIS drone strikes and that bombing in Iraq?
    Each missile cost $1.41 million times 59 = $83.19MILLION plus other costs = at least $100MILLION to prove we are STUPID
    “As soon as I saw the ISIS guy insulting Trump, I knew it was only a short matter of time before he would feel the need to invade Syria. All that was missing was a false-flag to rally behind. Honestly, insulting him is the easiest way to control him. He has been trapped by his own narcissism”
    President Trump,
    ———————————— You were PLAYED. ——————————-
    One week after you eased off on Assad this “gas attack” miraculously happened .
    WHO PROFITS?! The Idiots that created the Nightmare in the Mideast to begin with.
    Get back to America FIRST.


  4. C.Kumbier says:

    Shame on Hollande and Merkel. They knew the real facts but decided to go with the lies.
    They should leave office because they lie to their own people.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ted dura says:

      they’re of the same cloth ! the cloth of hillary !

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Johann van Wyk says:

        Bullshit! Trump is a liar! Pence is as bad. Should Trump be replaced by Pence he will pray and pray as evangelicals do. Shoving his own selected “God” from the many gods on the open market for sale down other’s throat. Dumb evangelical Americans!


  5. Londa says:

    Who better to help with another false flag than Nikki who helped the Charleston Baptist Church false flag to tear down the Confederate Battle Flag?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. JACKIECHAN says:

    When the world is controlled by the oppressors and murders of truth nothing happens but murder and oppression and the lies created by the 5th column… the media to cover the truth of this murder and oppression… allows them to maintain their power. Reagan once said “Tear down that wall Mr Gorbachev!” When will we tear down the wall which hides the fifth column and its lies, so that mankind can truly be free… so that we can be liberated from this culture of oppression and murder? Instead we actually uphold this very system to our own detriment against ourselves by acceptance of lies as truth and murder as justifiable warfare????


  7. This gas attack was either done by the USA/Israel, or by the terrorists which are sponsored and paid by the USA. Trump is either totally naive and stupid, or they have done this with a mean purpose. I believe the latter. Trump never cared about “beautiful children,” before, And when his military forces bomb women and children, and kill masses of beautiful children, worldwide, then he never cares for them.


  8. D W M says:

    Allow neocon Pence to finish Chump’s term? How will that help? Evil can’t fix stupid!


  9. lh says:

    If Trump was actually a real force for change, he would never have been allowed to become president – he would have been eliminated way before he reached the white house you can be sure of that! Wayne Madsen claims he is a pedophile, and Ben Fulford says he was blackmailed with a film that shows him raping a 12 year old, which is why he reneged on his promise of not going to war with Syria. If these people are making false claims, why doesn’t Trump sue them for libel? Because it’s probably true, that’s why!!


  10. aen rabeon says:

    All in the name of humanity and for the good of a Greater Israel.


  11. Trump & Haley have lost my confidence, as Ted Dura states Trump has been faked by fake news. Jeezuz can’t he think for himself? Russia & China must see him as a complete idiot.


  12. Sylum says:

    You right wingers are the lowest form of kkkowards on the planet and you can deny assad’s genocide of the Syrian people all you want. Vile, white supremacist, kkkowards.


    1. Skull says:

      Are you one of those seeking Ass, Sylum?


  13. Richard says:

    My goodness, why would they lie?


    1. didodididi says:

      Why would Assad bomb his own people?


  14. Edward Hara says:

    The minute I heard this “news” I smelled the stench of a lie. This is nothing new, our government has been lying to people for centuries, beginning with the lie that black people “are not human” and therefore can be slaves.

    One wonders why the C.I.A. wasn’t called in to do its usual fine job of covert assassination of Assad. That’s how we usually handle our “diplomacy” with leaders we don’t like. Meanwhile, all the Conservatives out there are drooling for a nuclear war.

    We will be lucky to last another 10 years at the rate of insanity we are going.


    1. More likely a war with the what has now become known as the MOAB, your other point yes why hasn’t the CIA done its usual thing and resorted to assassination? More importantly if the CIA want to do something useful by employing its assassination tactics, apply to Merkel, Junker, Lofven and a few other idiots responsible for genocide of Europe. Most useful places to drop MOAB’s are Mecca, Iranian nuclear power plants, North Korea, and smaller versions on mosques world wide. Our enemy is ISLAM. Assad is not an extremist he is neither Wahhabi/Sunni/Shiia, these are the maniacs he had imprisoned and tortured. In view of what these two aspects of Islam preach I would have done the same. The evidence is all over Europe! This whole debacle revolves around OIL imported from ISLAMIC nations primarily Saudi Iraq Iran Libyia follow up. Biggest oil fields I gather are in Saudi.


      1. :

        Well the CIA murderers are expert at assassinations, but not perfect …

        … these American NAZIs tried to assassinate Castro hundreds of times over 59 or so years and FAILED … probably a combination of luck and red-hot security around Fidel – perhaps the HONOURABLE Bashar Al Assad’s security is also of excellent quality.

        It would be a much better World if s’one managed to figure out a way to assassinate the CIA (& MI6 & fellow travellers).


        “Nothing will avail to offset this virus which is poisoning the whole world. America is the very incarnation of doom. She will drag the whole world down to the bottomless pit.”
        Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer


        The creation of the United States of America has turned out to be the worst man-made catastrophe ever inflicted on human-kind; and, for that matter, most of the rest of animal-kind.

        Those at Echelon, GCHQ, MI6, NSA, CIA and similar fascists reading this post and ‘signature’, are referred to the profanity used by the sadly seemingly immortal lying manipulative War-Criminal, Mass-Murderer and Traitor Dick Cheney to some Democratic Party non-entity (as pretty much all the Democrats are).


      2. You have put it so well, hasn’t changed much since wild west when crime ran rough shod over every new immigrant to the New World! I totally agree. Modern disasters All started when Shah was deposed in favor of Ayatollah and US wanted monopoly on Middle East OIL.


  15. James says:

    You see all this time with all the outrage over this incident, Isis was quietly sitting in the corner minding its own business as representatives of the religion of peace.
    Someone who has enough compassion to protect Christians (I don’t think you appreciate how much effort that takes in the middle-east) then using chemical warfare to murder children? Even if it were true, Who would do something as dispicable? That sounds right down Isis’s lane and it would be accepted as the norm these days. If Assad had used chemicals on children, Isis would be using chemicals back at the least + raping their mothers at the same time!


  16. Johann van Wyk says:

    As for Hollande and Merkel. Dump Trump and evangelical Pence are no Merkel and Hollande. You dumb Americans can only wish for such leaders. Now go and grab one another’s “pussy” as you “leader” does.


  17. pandavi100 says:

    I googlemapped the site of the alleged attack, a deserted factory to the north of the small town with grain silos beyond. It was in a commercial area, like an industrial park with a road running through out of town. A flat area, no hills around and pretty deserted, not a populated area where there would be babies etc. How did so many civilians die in a sparsely-populated area? Why were there caves in some of the photos and videos with trucks half-poking out? There were no caves in the actual area that reporters visited. Why is the media not questioning even such simple facts? Okay . . . some questions answer themselves, don’t they?


  18. Denis Revell I overlooked this para and totally agree with Henry Miller

    “Nothing will avail to offset this virus which is poisoning the whole world. America is the very incarnation of doom. She will drag the whole world down to the bottomless pit.”
    Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer


  19. now its clear Trump is nothing but a pighead


  20. Johann van Wyk // I may wrongly assume you are Dutch/Netherlands [I am European] if this is the case than you rather stupidly did not vote for Geert Wilders in recent Dutch elections. I hope the French may have more sense now that Turkey is on the first leg of Ottoman Empire II! France pulling out of the EU Italy will follow and maybe Scandinavia and Germany will get their heads out of their backsides and see the unsustainable economic so called ‘diversity’ has got Europe into. Facts 22 million natural Scandinavians rule of thumb / by 3 i.e. working population paying tax to support freeloaders breaks down to a 1/3 ergo drop in wages and social infrastructure. Total tax income from all sources in Demark alone €56 billion cost of freeloaders €33,billion available to run infrastructure, health service, education etc etc wages €23,billion. So we should import idle Muslim immigrants from the 3rd world? iSLAM in one sentence [He deprives others of goods & property, spends perpetuity in praying Allah]? Need I say more diversity in a nutshell.


  21. apdash says:

    Trump was loosing support in America due to his various steps just after assuming office and so he tried to distrect american by his military actions.


  22. billwhit1357 says:

    So many whining Leftist Fecal Maggots on here, with their Hate for President Trump blowing their minds and making them into blubbering idiots. President Trump is not going anywhere, you idiot Snowflakes. He is the President and will most likely be for the next eight years. Now take your whining ass’ to your safe place, because we insane Patriots are sick of you cockroaches. I pray you don’t start a Civil War with your ignorance and hate, because if you do, we Patriots will finish it and cleanse all Leftist Fecal Maggots from our Great Nation, lol! I can see all you Millennial Twat going against us trained Vets, lol! Good luck!


  23. Craig says:

    And you’re willing to believe this bullshit for what reason???? Because it supports your political beliefs?


  24. Karrier-bag says:

    Most ‘terror’ attacks are US / Saudi / UK funded.
    WW3 currently running War =oil$ + Drug Trade
    WW4 War Coming Soon = Water + Drug Trade.
    How else can they continue to be the 0.5%

    Liked by 1 person

    1. simple maths brilliant well put


  25. acuvox says:

    The Wrestling Clown President had the worst poll numbers in history – 35% – after losing big on his first legislative effort, replacing Romneycare. His administration is a shambles, we don’t have ambassadors, countries where we do have them they have ZERO experience as diplomats, like Ms. Haley pictured above. He can’t keep any campaign promises, the Secretary of State can’t look anyone in the eye, our NATO ally Turkey just turned into an Islamist dictatorship and countries big and small are threatening nuclear war.

    He just did what worked for every President since Reagan: bomb some foreigners. It’s always good for a fast two points.


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